What to expect during your 1st visit.

Welcome to our private practice website! We understand that taking the first step towards therapy can be a daunting experience. We want to make sure that you feel comfortable and prepared for your first therapy session. In this page, we will explain what to expect during your first therapy session.

Intake Forms and Paperwork
Before your first therapy session, we will ask you to complete intake forms and other necessary paperwork. These forms will help us gather important information about your history, current concerns, and other relevant details. We encourage you to complete these forms as thoroughly and honestly as possible. These forms are also an opportunity for you to share any goals or expectations you may have for therapy.

Assessment and Evaluation
During your first therapy session, we will conduct an assessment and evaluation. This process involves asking questions about your current symptoms, past experiences, and other relevant information. This information helps us gain a better understanding of your unique situation and develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs.

Building Rapport
We believe that building a positive therapeutic relationship is essential to the success of therapy. Therefore, we will spend some time getting to know you and establishing rapport. We will ask about your personal interests, hobbies, and other aspects of your life outside of therapy. This helps create a comfortable and safe environment where you can feel free to express your thoughts and feelings.

Discussing Treatment Options
After the assessment and evaluation process, we will discuss treatment options with you. We will explain the different types of therapy we offer and help you choose a treatment plan that is best suited to your needs. We will also discuss the goals of therapy and how we will work together to achieve those goals.

Confidentiality and Boundaries
We take confidentiality and boundaries very seriously. We will explain our policies regarding confidentiality, including the limits to confidentiality, and answer any questions you may have. We will also discuss our boundaries and expectations for therapy sessions.

In conclusion, your first therapy session is an opportunity for us to get to know you, understand your concerns, and develop a treatment plan tailored to your needs. We will work with you to create a safe and comfortable environment where you can feel free to express your thoughts and feelings. If you have any questions or concerns about your first therapy session, please do not hesitate to contact us. We look forward to working with you.

What are the benefits of therapy?

It's impossible to list all the benefits of participating in therapy as they are numerous. Therapists can offer valuable support, problem-solving skills, and coping strategies for a variety of issues. With their objective viewpoint, therapists can provide a fresh perspective on problems you may have been struggling with.

The benefits of therapy depend on your level of commitment and readiness. Participating in therapy can lead to increased self-confidence and self-esteem, improved communication skills, learning new coping mechanisms, gaining a better understanding of yourself, breaking old patterns, forming new ones, and managing intense emotions such as sadness or anger.

Is therapy covered by insurance?

Yes, most insurance plans cover therapy. However, it's important to check with your insurance provider to understand the details of your coverage. Some plans may require a referral from your primary care physician before seeing a mental health professional. Please click here to see which insurances we take.

How long is therapy?

Therapy sessions are typically 45-50 minutes. Clients typically meet on a weekly or bi weekly basis depending on the client’s needs. Length of time while in therapy will depend on the individual client’s circumstance. The therapist and client will determine that together.